Train Your Team
Develop Greatness

“Invest in your people and they will invest in you.”

Our Train Your Team function allows you to create a private customized learning library of your organization’s training sessions, recorded meetings, and demonstrations. It’s a great way to highlight top employees modeling how to execute tasks and skills for those who learn best by seeing things in action.
No matter how perfectly your organization implements the rules and policies regulated by the state and/or city officials, those expectancies won’t build the team required to elevate your program and business.

Only the organization can develop and coach the precise strategies needed to get everything running like a well-oiled machine, creating a one-of-a-kind program.

Your organization’s inner workings—from transportation to health and nutrition, education, and family support—make your program unique. In order to thrive, each member of your team must be skilled at those inner workings.

Having your own Organizational Learning Library (OLL) helps ensure your staff is competent, no matter the challenges (e.g., staff shortages, slow comprehension, etc.). You will find that the OLL is the best check and balance system available to spot and fix weak links plaguing your staff and the advancement of your program.

Using this system, you won’t have to bear the burden of being solely responsible for your team’s development. The learning library will help highlight learning gaps and identify ideal members to support coaching your team. Plus, training pieces developed by former employees will remain in the OLL to assist future employees. That means even if your best team member must move on, others can still be led by their example.

If you have ever wanted to develop a team of professionals who can perform any role, train any new hire, and sell any service the organization provides, then our Organizational Learning Library system is the path for you!